
Small Business Surthrival

If you're hungry to increase your small business revenues and your profits, this is for you. If you're ready to take your business from surviving to thriving, this is for you. Every Wednesday I send business coaching tips to help you grow yourself, your team, and your profits. Join me!

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"Business is easy... until people get involved"

"Business is easy... until people get involved" Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 1 minute This week, I'm passing along a short section of a recent Entreleadership podcast episode. It fits perfectly into the hiring series I've been on and you'll feel encouraged and empowered by the 10 steps to good hiring that Dave Ramsey shares. "Business is easy... until people get involved. ~ Dave Ramsey Read the latest issue ➚ To thriving,Zach WiseFounder & PS: New to Surthrival?...

Land your ideal team member with a compelling job offer Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 3 minutes Finally! You have a candidate you're ready to make a job offer to. You've worked so hard to get to this point, so wouldn't it be a shame if they decided to accept another job somewhere else?! In today's issue, we're talking about creating a compelling job offer that your potential new hire will find hard to resist. Read the latest issue ➚ To thriving,Zach WiseFounder &

Interviewing should be a lot more than asking questions Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 3 minutes If you've been following along the past few weeks, then you know that hiring a new team member involves a lot of prep work before you get to the interviewing process. But interviewing is one of the riskiest hiring steps, so it's important to get this step right! Today, we're talking about 3 objectives you should try to achieve with a great interview process. Read the latest issue ➚ To thriving,Zach...

Hiring a new role? Don't wait for the right candidate to find you. Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 2 minutes If you're ready to start interviewing candidates, it's not enough to simply post the job position online or in the newspaper. Great candidates are not going to fall into your lap on accident! How to find great candidates ➚ To thriving,Zach WiseFounder & PS: New to Surthrival? Join us here. Did you miss last week's issue? Hire for results, not tasks If you want...

Hire for results, not tasks Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 2 minutes If you want to avoid the 2-week 🤦🏻♂️ (facepalm) moment after hiring a new employee, then don't miss this vital ingredient for hiring (keeping) great employees. You know what I'm talking about - that moment when you realize you've hired the wrong person. Today, I'm gonna save you time and money! Read the latest issue ➚ To thriving,Zach WiseFounder & PS: New to Surthrival? Join us here. Did you miss...

Who has permission to play on your team? Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 2 minutes Have you worked with someone who is incredible at their job, but they're also not much fun to work with? In this third installment of a mini-series on hiring and retaining top talent, we're talking about what it takes to keep folks like that off of your team in the first place. Because you can (and should) hire people who are top performers and are good for your team. Read the latest issue ➚ To thriving,Zach...

Step 2 for hiring and keeping top talent Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 3 minutes Hiring great employees. It's the top issue I hear about from business owners right now. Last week, I talked about step 1 in hiring great employees - creating a mission statement. This week, we're digging into step 2 of hiring great employees. And once again, it may not be what you think... But here's a hint: it has to do with the person who brushes your teeth in the morning. Read the latest issue ➚ To...

Perception shapes reality in the service industry Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 1 minute This week, I'm passing along a short section of a recent Blue Collar Nation podcast episode. If you've ever been frustrated by the way customers can get tunnel-visioned into a wrong perception of your teams or your business, then you'll get a lot of value from this episode. Read the latest issue ➚ To thriving,Zach WiseFounder & PS: New to Surthrival? Join us here. Did you miss...

How to build an org chart to grow your business Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 6 minutes In this week's issue, I'm breaking down how build an org chart that will help you to scale your business and your operations. If you're thinking, "I don't need an org chart. I have a small business", then give me a chance to show you why you might be wrong! Read the latest issue ➚ To thriving,Zach WiseFounder & PS: New to Surthrival? Join us here. Did you miss last week's issue?...

left - a baseball player swings a bat; right - an explorer holds a torch in a cave

What do games, stories, and goals have in common? Read on: My WebsiteRead time: 3 minutes Riddle me this - what do games, goals, and stories all have in common? Why is it that we'll sit for multiple hours ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom while our minds are captivated by a gripping movie? What is it about a sports game that compels grown men to bare their oversized painted bellies in freezing weather? Sports and story-based entertainment largely sum up the vast entertainment industry,...